Short Courses, self development Training.
Short Courses and Specialist Training: Also additional subjects in the form of CPD’s to help you add more strings to your bow, together with Revision. Supervision and Refresher Sessions and Introductory sessions.
On going Confidence and Weight Loss sessions are available to all.
we run spiritual courses, Retreat workshops, free evenings, astrology, Reiki sessions and Psychology of Inner Selves Readings with our Oceans of Perception Cards to enable you to gain insights and gain new interests. On
Bearsted Workshop , Saturday 21st September 2024. 10.00 - 2.30
Nurturing your Inner Light
"A Flower cannot blossom without sunshine and we cannot live without love"
FULLY BOOKED. NEXT ONE 2nd November 2024
Theme is: Nurturing, Balance & Growth, to include Anchoring Circle of Protection Grounding, Connecting, Blossoming. Dance and Movement Guided Meditation together with Reiki Healing
is - An opportunity to take time for yourself and meet like-minded people, in calm beautiful surroundings
- Indu & Pat (Reiki Master, Kinesiologist, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist)
Please bring lunch, cushion, blanket and mat to lie on.
Refreshments are provided
Weight Coaching Series
Wednesday 6.30 - 7.30 p.m.
25th September 2024
open to all for yourself or as a therapist
- This is run over 4 sessions at £20 a session - Being your own weight coach. Each session is recorded and includes scripts and handouts and in some cases short recorded videos.
- Psychology of Selves using this method for resolving issues with comfort eating.
CBT Approach for dispelling old beliefs about eating and weight related issues.
- NLP approaches for Weight issues together with short videos and scripts for use for yourself or clients.
- Guided meditations and hypnotherapy for issues such as, binge eating or staying on track or many other issues.
- Follow up sessions to stay on track with Q & A.
Refresher Session NLP & CBT for Habits. Addictive Behaviour, O.C.D.s. and unhelpful thoughts 5.30 - 8.00 Wednesday 18th September.
Wednesday evening 18th September Incorporating CBT, NLP, with your hypnotherapy Session with a focus on habits, addictive behaviour, OCDs. and unhelpful thoughts. - on Wednesday evening 2nd October. Working with clients who need confidence and self belief. also strategies for anxiety. practical approaches together with useful scripts and strategies .
- In All sessions there will be Format and suggestions provided to use with your client over several sessions.
- Plus PowerPoints, interactive Zoom and recorded for you and opportunity to ask Questions
- a CPD with Certificate is provided for each session.
Self Development Evening:
Friday 11th october 7.30 - 9.00
- at 26 Ewell Avenue West Malling, ME19 6NN; in person or online. Then 2nd Friday of Every Month
- Healing and guided visualisation.
- Accessing your Inner Calm and Wellbeing and way to do this.
- In Person or via Zoom. Please confirm if you are attending in person for seating.
Psychology of Selves Readings with Oceans of Perception cards plus the Tarot - one to one or groups Saturday 28th September 3.30 - 6.00
- Individual readings bookings taken for 40 min readings
- Guidance and explanation using An Astrological spread and the Tarot.
- Included is An additional reading from our Oceans of Perception Cards to discover what Inner part is activating your life at present.
- You can also book as a small group of up to 4 Either face to face or on Zoom.
Supervision and support Group 2 - 4 students - 2nd Friday in the month 4.00 - 5.30 p.m.
- Once a month you can join us as a small group of 4 or less for supervision.
- Either in person or on zoom we are running regular topics for support for all Therapists and counsellors plus Q.A.
- Please contact to book either one to one or as a small group.
Life Coaching Introduction Friday 4th October 4.30 - 6.30 plus practice in person or Zoom
£75.00 or £50.00 as Refresher
- Attendance provides you with a 20% discount on the full training. Learn about becoming a Life Coach in your own niche market.
- to cover the most important aspects of one to one Sessions and Group sessions
Topics covered are:
The Success Circle and
Action Plan; NLP techniques
Confidence and self Belief. - Can be used as a Refresher at the reduced price of £50.00
- Geared to your specific needs with 6 or less students.
- Leading to an Accredited Training with all 6 sessions
- A two hour plus session with additional practice.