EFT Emotional Freedom Therapy

Emotional Freedom Therapy often called EFT

What is EFT?

Energy meridians that run through our body can be blocked or disrupted by unresolved emotional issues, therefore our natural healing potential may be slowed or held back.

Quite often people are aware of the events or memories that trigger emotional discomfort in their lives, but they have not yet connected those memories to the symptoms in their bodies.  Using EFT, it is possible to revisit the event(s) in question, and balance the disturbed meridians. This may often enable emotional upsets and the physical symptoms to subside.

Although based on acupuncture, EFT has simplified the realignment process on key meridian points on the head, body and hands. Traditional acupuncture needles are not necessary in this process.

The Simplicity of EFT

You do not need to know every intricacy regarding these discoveries. That would require you to delve into such highly technical areas as quantum physics and morphogenetic fields.  It is simply an easy to use, powerful procedure for enhancing your personal performance..

Working with Energy

Our electrical systems are vital to our physical health. What could be more obvious? When the energy stops flowing …. we die.  About 5,000 years ago, the Chinese discovered a complex system of energy circuits that run throughout the body. These are energy circuits…or meridians as they are called.

This energy courses through the body and is invisible to the eye. By analogy, you do not see the energy flowing through a TV. You know it is there, by its effects. The sounds and pictures are your evidence that the energy flow exists.

In the same way, EFT gives you clear evidence that energy flows within your body because it provides the effects that let you know it is there.

Make Changes in your emotional and physical health

By simply tapping near the end points of your energy meridians you can experience some profound changes in your emotional and physical health.

The Cause of negative emotions

The cause of negative emotions is a disruption in the energy system of the body. This includes fears, phobias, anger, grief, anxiety, depression, traumatic memories, PTSD,worry, guilt and all limiting emotions in sports, business and the performing arts.

No need to know the details about past traumas

It is not necessary to know the detail about the past traumas.  The patient does not need to relive them for EFT to help them. These memories may contribute to an unwanted emotion but they are not the direct cause.






























































Patricia Whitson - Founder And Principal Of Kent College Of Hypnotherapy


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