Retrain your Brain with C.B.T.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – Re-train Your Brain
A session for reducing stress and creating motivation as a small group. It is a two hour session to give understanding of how your thoughts affect your emotions and behaviour and also how to create effective communication.
The ‘Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to Re-train Your Thinking’ course is suitable for family, as additional tools for therapists, and more anyone who wants to learn techniques to think in a different way and feel more in control of their own life.
It is particularly helpful with dealing with problems such as depression, anxiety and eating disorders and unhelpful thoughts. It is useful for confidence and motivation. The course will enable you to learn some basic CBT techniques and put these into practice, so that you can learn to deal with your emotions or intrusive thoughts in a more positive way.
More information.
These sessions are for those of you who would like to learn more about how your thoughts affect your behaviour and emotions and how to train yourself to use your thoughts effectively.
Helpful with dealing with problems such as:
depression or low mood,
eating issues
Intrusive thoughts.
Anger Management
Symptoms of anxiety
deal with your emotions
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for the family and to facilitate effective thinking
Patricia Whitson
Cost: £55.00
Training to include: An introduction to the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – talking therapy for Self-Development.
£55.00 for the 2 hr session in small groups of 5 or less. Special if run for one family. If you prefer a one-to-one session then the price is £65 for each session.
CBT Evening session for motivation
- Learn techniques and how CBT works.
- Motivation and self esteem
- Anxiety and stressful thoughts and how make changes
- How your thoughts create fear and depression.
- Opportunity in this to ask questions.
- Minimum of 3 attendees and maximum of 8.
- Plus Demonstration video & audio recordings Questionnaires and information.
- Informal and use of breakout rooms for practising.
- Useful format and forms for you to use.
Tuesday 15th Sept 2020. Time: 7.00 – 9.30 p.m.
Cost: £30.00
Also available are 1 hr sessions on a one to one basis. The cost is £65.00. Please contact Patricia or Laura to book your appointment.
- We arrange a time and I send you an email with a link to Zoom.
- Simply click on the link at the pre-arranged time and we can have our session.
- This can be recorded for you so that you can refresh the techniques.
- You are not charged for using Zoom you just pay for the Training which can be by transfer online or by card payment.
- There will be ongoing sessions in the future dealing with:
- Performance anxiety e.g. speeches. Sports, Exams
- Accessing your Negative Core Beliefs.
- Changing habits and old patterns of behaviour
- Anxiety & Stress & OCDs
- Communication & language issues
- Anger management
- Relationship issues at home and work.
- Motivation and realising your goals.